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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why worry about tomorrow?

Okay, so I know I have had a two month hiatus from my blog post, but I have had a hard time thinking about what I want to post next. This is crazy because anyone that knows me understands that I have a knack for making a 10 minute conversation into a two hour discussion. It's a gift from above, I do believe!!! Anyway, I have had so much on my mind lately that emotions have been here and there and well all over the place (possibly related to being pregnant again, but who knows!!!) I decided that instead of writing about all of the negativity that negative people try to bring into our family, I would wait until I was at peace with the situations to write about the blessings we do have and boy there are many! Isn't interesting though how many of us go around and see the glass as half empty? I am guilty of this and have lived my life in this self depressing attitude for WAY TOOO LONG! It has finally taken my faith, my family and my true friends to help me realize that life is exactly what you make it. We have had to make hard decisions for our family that some people do not agree with and to be honest it hurts that the people you use to lean on for support are no longer there by their own choice. But as a husband and a wife raising a delightful daughter with a son on the way, we have realized that being parents is more about protecting your children than about doing what others deem acceptable. After all, WE are the parents in our OWN little family and we have a great support system of family and friends that accepts our decisions and stands by us even in the darkest of moments. These last two months have been trying, really the last two years since we were married, but we are making it..side by side... hand in hand... heart to heart! We have come to accept that maybe those who we thought would always be there have come to let us down and have chosen to lose sight of the beautiful blessings that children bring into a family. We have decided to not let this hold us down because in hindsight we know that we can't change anyone's perception or attitude. That change must come from inside one's self and our life continues to thrive with or without them. With this being said I have come to realize the importance of all the small things that make life so good. I could narrate them all but once again that would turn a ten minute list into an all day event! Here are the blessings in my life that make me smile once again....maybe you share the same one's...if not, I hope you enjoy reading them anyway!
1. Waking up!!!
2. Waking up to a sleepy little smile that immediately begins talking as if she had been up for hours!
3. Waking up together and cuddling with that sleepy little smile of ours!
4. Hearing the sweet voice of someone who cares and just calls to check up on things.
5. Having a family that enjoys seeing you raise your children and takes advantage of every opportunity to spend time with the little one!
6. Hearing a random stranger tell you "good morning" on one of those days when you should have just stayed in bed.
7. Finding crayola markings on the wall, door and my cell phone:)
8. Laughing together!
9. Making a new friend unexpectedly and knowing that they are the type of friend to never get tired of your repeated phone calls asking about which paint color to get:)
10. Being just the way to Lord intended for me to be and knowing that in all circumstances he is more than willing to carry my burdens for me!
11. Being able to LOVE someone with everything and feeling the same LOVE in return.
12. Being teenager silly with my husband...yes, he still laughs at my insanely immature jokes!
13. Dancing in the living room with my love!
14. Dancing anywhere just to hear my Kinsey giggle.
15. Having your parents say they are proud of still sounds so refreshing at 28 years of age!
16. Knowing that God is in control.

So I could go on and on... but these are the things that popped into my head as I was writing this morning. I have faith that my family is safe and protected by God's grace. I have faith that no matter what happens today or tomorrow or ten years from now that it will be taken care of. Sunday at church our pastor reminded us that if you are one of those people who worry about everything, then good news is in store for you. He said there is no point in worrying about tomorrow, it has already been taken care of!!! I felt like he was talking straight to me and I wholeheartedly believe that he was because I am always worrying about something. According to my husband, I worry enough for an entire army. But not anymore..... my new goal in life is to see the glass half full. I can't always worry about how someone else feels or why they do not come around. They are in control of themselves and they make their own choices that they must live with. It will do me no good to worry about the things that I cannot change. Instead I am going to focus on the blessings I have today because that is all I am guaranteed and I would much rather spend my time watching my children grow, holding hands with my husband and appreciating those that are always there! I am blessed beyond what words can describe, my heart is full and my soul is nourished with God's word. I wish the same for all of you and hope that whenever you begin to worry you turn that glass the other direction and realize it is ALWAYS half full.
Until next time......PEACE, LOVE and the REESE'S!

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