Yesterday, we took Kinsey to her first real rodeo in Houston. It was an experience to say the least....Kinsey was tired by the time the concert started and I wish that I could have curled up in someone's lap and passed out too! We had a very busy day...mostly from fighting the crowds! (Note to self: NEVER go to HLSR during Spring Break Week!) Kinsey took a picture with Ms. Moo (left) and also on a pony. However, the pony picture turned out looking like she was trying to jump into my arms more than resembling a cute lil' cowgirl on a pony. But these are the memories I live for...you know the one's that do not go as expected and yet in some way they find a way to embed themselves into your heart deeper than a moment in time that you had planned out to the smallest detail. And my husband can attest to the fact that I am a planner with a capital P!!! It is one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses. But being a mother has definitely made me realize that life cannot be planned out every day.You can be prepared, but even with that you must expect the unexpected:) A hard lesson for me is learning to unplan (not a word) what I have had etched into my head since I was ten years old. You know the whole white picket fence fairytale that many little girls grow up thinking defines happiness! My reality is moons beyond what I pictured...I have a wonderful husband that believes in my ability to be a mom, wife and anything I set my mind too; I have a beautiful, loving and sweet daughter who brightens my day by just smiling! Sure, I picked the husband, but I didn't get to choose our future...it just happens day by day, laugh after laugh, and with each "I love you!" I could not have dreamed up something this good...it is a gift from above and as my husband always reminds me as I begin to stress about my plans falling through "There is no sense in planning out your life, God already has your life written out. He is your map, you just need to follow!" So true...even during days like yesterday when I was worried I wasn't going to capture the most important moments of Kinsey's first rodeo....I soon saw after I perused my camera for images that the ones that mean the most are the ones that just happened because I let life happen.

This is one of those pictures that makes for a great memory. Kinsey is passed out in the middle of a concert, fireworks, and screaming fans and yet we can't even get her to sleep longer than five hours at a time in the peace and quiet!!! Spending the day as a family makes me realize just how precious it is each moment we share together. Kinsey will be one this Wednesday and it seems unreal! I fight back tears just to acknowledge this fact, but it is true. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop time...it will always win. I have come to the conclusion that the only way I am going to be able to get through this first birthday is to live for our future and cherish the beginning. She won't always be small enough to fit in my lap or curl up next to me in the rocking chair, but one thing that will never change: she will never outgrow my love or my heart. Until next time, "Life, love and The Reese's."